Monday 13 April 2015


This is something that I did 3 years ago and since we didnt get a chance to actually use it, 
hopefully my previous bosses wont mind me sharing it here. :P We created a framework for identifying critical positions to be used in succession planning. After some research including studying the following models: 
State of Vermont Workforce Planning Toolkit, State of Iowa How-to guide for Developing a Succession Plan, Workforce Planning Model by Motor Carrier Passenger Council of Canada ,Succession Planning for Key Positions Guidance Document by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Companion Guide to Knowledge Transfer Models by QSP NC Office of State Personnel, I came up with a framework of my own . It includes the following 7 factors and their meanings:

Mission Defining
  • Is the position a key contributor to defining the organizational mission?
  • Is this a leadership position (exempt status, manages a division, department or agency etc.)
Critical Function
  • Does it perform critical to vital functions such that leaving it vacant would hinder or prevent success of the mission?
  • Does this position solely hold important information?
  • Does this position serve as a hub where one or more other essential functions or processes come together
  • Does the position provide specialized technical/ content specific skills  and knowledge that are difficult to replace?

    • Does the  position fill a unique and important capacity at a particular location that would be difficult for another position, or the same position in another location, to take over?
Difficult to replace
    • Is the position in a class or occupational group that is difficult to replace?
Essential in nature
    • Would the sudden absence of a person in this position create a rapid breakdown in operations?

Now each factor was defined on a scale of 1 to 5.

Mission Defining

5Highest authority and responsibility to define and approve the corporate vision, mission, values, strategy and business plan. Directly responsible to the stakeholders for the execution of the plan and results.
4 Key contributor to organization’s mission, strategy and business plans, though not the final approver. Is responsible for execution of the plan for a large part of the business.
3 Creates the short term and long term business plan for a business unit / department. Is directly responsible for Business Unit / department performance and KPI’s.
2 Can provide good feedback through experience, though not responsible for defining the organizational mission. Is responsible to plan the execution of the plan for a limited area.

1 Has minimal or no role to play in defining the organizational mission and objectives. Basically follows instructions for execution.

5 Manages an entire BU or division
4 Leads a multi skilled, multi-location team of technical/ critical positions.
3 Leads a small to medium sized team of technical/ critical positions.
2 Leads a small team of non technical/ non critical positions
1 Does not lead any team.

Critical Function
5 The role is the hub for various complex processes and functions to come together. Is responsible for managing and high level decision making on information/data critical for the day to day operation of the business and in solving problems and crises.
4 Serves as a hub of some processes, holds confidential/ critical information, but not solely. Plays a facilitative role in critical decision making and is called upon to solve problems and crises
3 Serves as a hub of processes coming together, but holds non confidential information. May work on critical information, but is not the owner of it.
2 Works on critical information, but is not the owner of it. Not a hub where any processes or functions come together.
1 Does not hold any critical/ confidential information. Not a hub where any processes or functions come together.

5 Critical and unique knowledge and skills: mission/ operation critical knowledge that is undocumented and requires 3-5 years of experience to bring skills to journey level.
4 Critical knowledge and skills: knowledge and skills are mission/ operation critical. Limited duplication exists in other positions or units, and only limited documentation exists to guide employee moving into this position.
3 Important organizational knowledge and skills: Documentation exists for the knowledge and skills and/ or other personnel on site possess the knowledge/ skills necessary to be successful in these positions. Applicants can be generally trained in 1-2 years.
2 Procedural or non mission critical knowledge and skills: Clear up-to-date procedures exist. Training programs in place are current and effective. Training can be completed in less than a year.
1 Common knowledge and skills- These knowledge and skills are easy to obtain, readily available and require little additional training.

5 Perceived as not a good place to live or work, unsuitable for family in terms of climate, education, housing, local conditions, security and health. Location is strategically important to Topaz. Local manpower not available. Expats difficult to recruit. Position may be permanently based at this location or may require to be on site. May also be in terms of responsibility for operations in a difficult geography which entails having knowledge of local customs/ laws/ business environment.
4 Perceived as relatively uncomfortable to live and work. Local manpower not available. Expats difficult to recruit. Position may involve being on site or travel often.
3 Location averagely suitable to live and work, but relatively unknown to expats. Limited local manpower availability. Position may involve being on site or travel often.
2 Perceived as comfortable to live, but incumbent may need to work on site. Local manpower/ expats available relatively easily.
1 Perceived as preferable to live and work in terms of climate, education, housing, local conditions, security and health. Local manpower/ expats available relatively easily. Position is permanently based here.

Difficult to replace
5 Scarcely available in market due to very high level of skills required. Highly paid by competitors, hence difficult to attract.
4 Available in market, but very well paid by competitors and hence difficult to attract.
3 Suitably available in the market and suitable paid by competitors.
2 Technical position, but easily available in the market at low price.
1 Non technical and non strategic position. Easily available in market at cheap price.
Essential in nature
5 Directly impacts the mission critical activities of the organization. Rapid breakdown in operations in incumbent’s sudden absence.
4 Directly impacts the mission critical activities of the organization. Back ups/ multiple incumbents at same position easily available in case of one’s absence.
3 Not an overhead function, but sudden absence will not cause rapid breakdown in operations. Absence may impact operations only gradually.
2 An overhead function, but impacts critical initiatives taken up by organization or facilitates smoother running of day to day operations.
1 An overhead function or a redundant position. Does not impact day to day mission critical operations.

The factors can then be provided weightages depending on organisational needs. The business unit positions can be scored based on the factor definitions, multiplied by the weightages and total score derived for the postions.
Please do leave your comments !

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